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New Zealand school hours
Quality of education in New Zealand
The quality of education in New Zealand is ranked among the best in the world, and consistently gets high ratings in the UN Human Development Index. Subsequently, New Zealand has a high proportion of residents with upper secondary or tertiary qualifications.
The New Zealand government has strong quality assurance systems to ensure high-quality education at all levels of the education system, both public and private.
Schooling System and Age in New Zealand
Year/ Age | Old system | Age at start of school year | Age at end of school year |
0 | Junior 0 / Primers 1&2 | 4-5 | 5-6 |
1 | Junior 1 / Primers 1&2 | 4–5 | 5–6 |
2 | Junior 2 / Primers 3&4 | 5–6 | 6–7 |
3 | Standard 1 | 6–7 | 7–8 |
4 | Standard 2 | 7–8 | 8–9 |
5 | Standard 3 | 8–9 | 9–10 |
6 | Standard 4 | 9–10 | 10–11 |
7 | Form 1 / Standard 5 | 10–11 | 11–12 |
8 | Form 2 / Standard 6 | 11–12 | 12–13 |
9 | Form 3 | 12–13 | 13–14 |
10 | Form 4 | 13–14 | 14–15 |
11 | Form 5 | 14–15 | 15–16 |
12 | Form 6 | 15–16 | 16–17 |
13 | Form 7 | 16–17 | 17–18 |